3000 Years Among Microbes
A narrative of kinship and symbiosis that begins with Djulis and its kindred. 3000 Years Among Microbes is a speculative project crossing between the domains of science fiction, generative sound, and filmmaking. In collaboration with artist, scientists, and researchers, it asks questions about space futures and inter-planetary multispecies imaginaries.
The skies are storied, but mainstream narratives too often than not, tells us only stories of conquest. How can we use the momentum of the new space age to tell a different story that does not portray outer space as just another open frontier to extend imperialism and colonial projects into?
Watch the Film Below
工作團隊 Team
Artists |徐叡平 Rae Hsu 、紀柏豪 PoHao Chi、Nancy Valladares
Supporting Artist |Chucho Ocampo
CubeSat Installtion|陳湘馥 Hsiangfu Chen
Aerial Photography Guide|Maggie Coblentz
Supporting Photography|Ethan Kan, 張耀翔 Yaoxiang Zhang
Project Mannager|賴慧珈 Caitlin Lai
Administrate Support|陳旻靖 MinChing Chen
Exhibition Design|賴慧珈 Caitlin Lai
Visual Design|吳瑞桓 TRACY'S
Web Design | 賴慧珈 Caitlin Lai
Exhibition Executionm|詹若禾 RuoHe Jhan
Project Consultant|Maggie Coblentz、Ariel Ekblaw、Danielle Wood
Adviser|文化部 Ministry of Culture
Organizer|新北市政府 New Taipei City Government
Implementer|新北市政府文化局 Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government、新板藝廊 New Taipei Gallery
Academic Cooperation|麻省理工學院藝術文化與科技所 MIT Program in Art, Culture, and Technology
Special Thanks|國家太空中心 National Space Organization
The skies are storied, but mainstream narratives too often than not, tells us only stories of conquest. How can we use the momentum of the new space age to tell a different story that does not portray outer space as just another open frontier to extend imperialism and colonial projects into?
Watch the Film Below
工作團隊 Team
Artists |徐叡平 Rae Hsu 、紀柏豪 PoHao Chi、Nancy Valladares
Supporting Artist |Chucho Ocampo
CubeSat Installtion|陳湘馥 Hsiangfu Chen
Aerial Photography Guide|Maggie Coblentz
Supporting Photography|Ethan Kan, 張耀翔 Yaoxiang Zhang
Project Mannager|賴慧珈 Caitlin Lai
Administrate Support|陳旻靖 MinChing Chen
Exhibition Design|賴慧珈 Caitlin Lai
Visual Design|吳瑞桓 TRACY'S
Web Design | 賴慧珈 Caitlin Lai
Exhibition Executionm|詹若禾 RuoHe Jhan
Project Consultant|Maggie Coblentz、Ariel Ekblaw、Danielle Wood
Adviser|文化部 Ministry of Culture
Organizer|新北市政府 New Taipei City Government
Implementer|新北市政府文化局 Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government、新板藝廊 New Taipei Gallery
Academic Cooperation|麻省理工學院藝術文化與科技所 MIT Program in Art, Culture, and Technology
Special Thanks|國家太空中心 National Space Organization